Giardini-Naxos Archeological Museum

23 May 1999


The site of the archeological museum in Giardini-Naxos contains many excavations of previous settlements. This was the site of the first Greek colony in Sicily, and was later built over by the Romans. The museum itself houses many artifacts that were unearthed here, as well as maps showing the layout of the colonies and the coastline as it was back then. Unfortunately, all of the descriptions were written in Italian, so I could only get the main ideas thanks to my rudimentary knowledge of Spanish, French, and Latin.

The pictures above show some of the structures on the site. First is a Bourbon fort that contains the remains of pots and anchors. The next picture shows some of the extensive Roman aqueducts on the site. The last two pictures show some of the walls unearthed in the excavations and the site of an old kiln of some kind.

Created and maintained by Matthew M. Lug (Contact Matthew M. Lug)