CAE Website Enhancement
A WPI Interactive Qualifying Project (IQP)

Main Page
Project Status
Contact Us!
London D98 IQP Group Photo

Current Status of the Project
    - Timeline of major events
    - Project report and other items produced for this project

People who have contributed to the project
    - Project team members
    - Project advisors
    - Project sponsor info
    - Others who have helped along the way

Web-based resources for this project
    - HTML Style Guides
    - Perl CGI scripts
    - Other relevant sources of information

Contact Us!
    - The above link will open an e-mail message addressed to the three project team members and project advisor
    - If this link does not work, then your web browser is not configured for e-mail. Messages should be sent to the following addresses:,,,

Project Team Members
Tara Matt Jon
Tara Howland Matthew Lug Jonathan Prusak

Created and maintained by Matthew M. Lug (Contact Matthew M. Lug)